
Showing posts from June, 2020

Technology of Artificial Breeding of Aquaculture Species in the Hatcheries across the World.

"Artificial fish breeding is such a process by which minnow are produced artificially. The steps and method of artificial breeding of fish are described below.Collecting Pituitary Gland Pituitary gland is a very important gland of fish. It is one type of endocrine glands. " The hormones secreted from pituitary gland control the tasks of this types of other glands. Growth hormone and gonadotropin hormone among the all secreted hormone from pituitary gland influence the growth and tasks of sexual organs. Pituitary gland used as catalyst and inducing agent for artificial breeding of fish. This gland is located under brain. Download Free PDF File@ The important role of aquaculture (pisciculture) is demonstrated using data on development of the world fishery. It is noted that the present-day level of harvesting biological resources of the World Ocean has reached its upper limit. Against this background, the proportion of the global fish